1.A New Creation
The change of the celestial note to a higher pitch signaled the end of the age of destruction of Atlantis and the old earth.
What follows is not just a picture of the act of Creation. It is the education that enables us to understand who we are and our relationship with everything else.
There had been a long period of nothing but darkness as the debris from the cataclysmic destruction of the earth filled the sky and blocked the sun. I imagined this as the time before the beginning, when there had been nothing but darkness.
Of course, now a creation already was in existence. Although it had been tearing itself apart, the building blocks of a new earth lay hidden in the dark.
Much like the movement of a thunderstorm into the distance is gradually replaced with a sense of calm and rejuvenation, the tearing down of all that had existed gradually ceased, and a calm slowly descended as a new creation revealed itself before me.
Light came to dispel the darkness.
In the first dim light, stark mountains towered over watered but empty valleys. Lifeless seas rolled between huge continents. Barren landscapes and empty seascapes covered the earth.
Skies gradually became clear, revealing the extent of the destruction.
Above was a translucent dome, like a sheer copper covering. By day, a diffused light bathed the earth while the lesser lights of the night sky painted the palest of shadows beneath the mountains.
The changing seasons of the more northern and more southern regions were now evident, although the earth’s dome covering muted the extremes that the poles and the equator should have experienced on the now tilted earth.
Gone was the relatively narrow band of balance between cold and hot. The earth’s tilt and canopy now brought forth conditions for an abundance of life in greater latitudes of habitable land, sea and air.
The barren planet still awaited the divine spark that would bring forth life, the return of zoe, the teeming life that had once filled the now desolate lands, seas, and skies.
And the whole earth waited, senseless to time, as the elements of soil, sea, and air were made ready for that divine spark.
There was no rush, for nature must do its part, must align with the intention taking form.
Molten rock must solidify and be tempered to the proper hardness.
The morning brightening and the evening dimming, the rhythm of days, was now complemented by cool and warm, the rhythm of the seasons.
Time and heat and cold would temper further what needed to soften.
Divinity sent the spark of life. And with the aid of this least in size of living forms, rock would yield soil. And in this primal dirt life would build upon life, cell upon cell.
But time is not the hero in this rebirth. Time has not the power to create, but only to mature that which already exists.
The divine spark came without fanfare or great visibility. Life began on the microscopic level, so small that the naked eye (were there one to see) would take no notice.
Diffused energy through the canopy, the moisture of the air, and the carbon-rich atmosphere nursed the again young earth.
The rhythm of time continued. Although it played more of a role, time still was not the hero.
The law of universal dependence is one that both creates the particular and yokes it to its surrounding creation. There are no bubbles, no independent life forms or objects, no sanctuaries immune to the existence of oneness.
The joining of life to life, of disparate living things into unions greater than the sum of their parts, occurs only with power from outside of the system. In a small universe with limited resources, the finite energy loaned from an infinite source has not the capability to become more than the limited potential existing in its own origin.
The note of the song again rises, as with each creative act.
Just as life does not emerge from lifeless objects, neither do the meow and the bark, the roar and the howl, the buzz and the chirp, come from the lowest forms of life. Something greater, Someone greater, brings forth this new life, this psuche, that walks or swims or flies.
The divine note was enough for life, but the design was for an interdependent world in which life begat life, and life fed life through an enduring giving and taking, yielding and accepting.
Note that the order of the world is important for the divine plan to continue through eternity. Giving precedes taking, and yielding precedes accepting. The humility for such obedience is natural to this created world.
Microorganisms did not spring from dead matter, but from the divine command. This humble beginning of living things by the creative act of the greatest of all Beings was for the purpose of instilling the rhythm of life into the very DNA of the least, as well as the greatest, of living organisms.
Those who cooperate are those who learn best how to survive, how to build on the entanglement of every piece of Creation. The prize goes to those who learn how to complement one another in order to make something greater than the individual alone.
Success is creating abundance rather than scarcity.
These new forms of life, too, must grow and become. Time plays its limited role again, preparing the stage for another new life. The note of the song remains constant, singing life into its maturity.
At last, the note rises yet again. The baser note that had given rise to mountains and laid valleys low, that had risen to a higher pitch to bring forth life, and had risen yet again for to birth higher forms of life, now rises to call forth a new creature.
Every note that has poured forth has been perfect in pitch. And impressed upon each note, riding upon its crest like the thinnest foam on the wave of the sea, are innumerable messages personalized for each recipient. This note has caressed every stone, infused every droplet, and filled every molecule of the skies with its own personal message.
As the note rises to this yet higher pitch, there is spoken a new order, a new arrangement of the existing elements. A new creation is interposed between all that has been made and the Creator who has made all.
God breathed new life into an old being. He took one of the psuche beings and breathed into it the mind of God.
As to the first man and woman of my world, as to my unborn son who lived only in God’s world, so an understanding of the nature of existence has been passed to me here. And it had been passed to me in Atlantis, and to every creature there, sentient or not, but we did not see its reality, would not hear its message, refused to feel its gentle caress. We who could devise an alternative world could choose a different message, and so we had done.
I had been truant in Atlantis, but now my education progressed. And this last lesson of this course was pneuma, the breath of life breathed by the Divine into mortal man. Imbedded in the breath of life was the commission to go forth as His proxy with dominion.
From the inanimate rocks and seas, zoe life had come from the divine spark. Again Divinity had elevated this form of creation into psuche life, the animal with primitive thought and instinct. And now He had endowed the being that came to be known as human with the pneuma life of reason and choice.
Creation was complete once again….
The area surrounding the new man and the new woman was a lush reserve in the wild nature of the larger earth. The note that had established the plants and animals in their existence permeated all life here.
This last tone that had established the man and then the woman, with its imprinted message for the rest of nature, as well, had gone no farther than a small perimeter. A beautiful Garden flourished inside the larger realm of the outside world developing on its own.
Whether this limitation had been by design or that the message had been blocked beyond certain limits was unclear to me.
For the briefest instant, uncertainty entered my thoughts.
As my eyes wandered beyond the Garden’s border, a new note competed in my mind for primacy. There was no evidence of this new note - chaotic and discordant, its edges ragged and sharp - within the Garden. This came from beyond the Garden’s perimeter.
I focused on the Garden and the competing note vanished, bringing the peace and clarity that had existed before.
Although I had refused to put the challenging note in my mind, I recognized the siren call that had dominated Atlantis, as if the whole of its existence had been so inundated with this tone that people were not even aware of its existence. It was simply the background noise of life. As a result, no one heard the divine note that had been overridden, eclipsed in the darkness of chaos.
All life in this Garden experienced the note of peace and clarity. Beyond the Garden’s borders, the outer world heard only the cacophony of the mixed notes, the heavenly (perhaps) and the discordant (continually).
Allegiances in heaven had been made or broken, alliances had formed, and a clear demarcation lay between two forces. Rebellion lay outside the border, and the obedience of relationship with the Creator lay within.
Implicit in the breath breathed into the man, and repeated by him to the woman, was the command to serve and to protect, and to go forth and enlarge the borders of the Garden.
That instant of uncertainty when I had looked outside the Garden was such a small event compared to all that had played out before me that I took no thought of it. God was in heaven, and heaven was on earth, and He was one with His new Creation - mankind. God was in His place and all was well.
Next chapter
The change of the celestial note to a higher pitch signaled the end of the age of destruction of Atlantis and the old earth.
What follows is not just a picture of the act of Creation. It is the education that enables us to understand who we are and our relationship with everything else.
There had been a long period of nothing but darkness as the debris from the cataclysmic destruction of the earth filled the sky and blocked the sun. I imagined this as the time before the beginning, when there had been nothing but darkness.
Of course, now a creation already was in existence. Although it had been tearing itself apart, the building blocks of a new earth lay hidden in the dark.
Much like the movement of a thunderstorm into the distance is gradually replaced with a sense of calm and rejuvenation, the tearing down of all that had existed gradually ceased, and a calm slowly descended as a new creation revealed itself before me.
Light came to dispel the darkness.
In the first dim light, stark mountains towered over watered but empty valleys. Lifeless seas rolled between huge continents. Barren landscapes and empty seascapes covered the earth.
Skies gradually became clear, revealing the extent of the destruction.
Above was a translucent dome, like a sheer copper covering. By day, a diffused light bathed the earth while the lesser lights of the night sky painted the palest of shadows beneath the mountains.
The changing seasons of the more northern and more southern regions were now evident, although the earth’s dome covering muted the extremes that the poles and the equator should have experienced on the now tilted earth.
Gone was the relatively narrow band of balance between cold and hot. The earth’s tilt and canopy now brought forth conditions for an abundance of life in greater latitudes of habitable land, sea and air.
The barren planet still awaited the divine spark that would bring forth life, the return of zoe, the teeming life that had once filled the now desolate lands, seas, and skies.
And the whole earth waited, senseless to time, as the elements of soil, sea, and air were made ready for that divine spark.
There was no rush, for nature must do its part, must align with the intention taking form.
Molten rock must solidify and be tempered to the proper hardness.
The morning brightening and the evening dimming, the rhythm of days, was now complemented by cool and warm, the rhythm of the seasons.
Time and heat and cold would temper further what needed to soften.
Divinity sent the spark of life. And with the aid of this least in size of living forms, rock would yield soil. And in this primal dirt life would build upon life, cell upon cell.
But time is not the hero in this rebirth. Time has not the power to create, but only to mature that which already exists.
The divine spark came without fanfare or great visibility. Life began on the microscopic level, so small that the naked eye (were there one to see) would take no notice.
Diffused energy through the canopy, the moisture of the air, and the carbon-rich atmosphere nursed the again young earth.
The rhythm of time continued. Although it played more of a role, time still was not the hero.
The law of universal dependence is one that both creates the particular and yokes it to its surrounding creation. There are no bubbles, no independent life forms or objects, no sanctuaries immune to the existence of oneness.
The joining of life to life, of disparate living things into unions greater than the sum of their parts, occurs only with power from outside of the system. In a small universe with limited resources, the finite energy loaned from an infinite source has not the capability to become more than the limited potential existing in its own origin.
The note of the song again rises, as with each creative act.
Just as life does not emerge from lifeless objects, neither do the meow and the bark, the roar and the howl, the buzz and the chirp, come from the lowest forms of life. Something greater, Someone greater, brings forth this new life, this psuche, that walks or swims or flies.
The divine note was enough for life, but the design was for an interdependent world in which life begat life, and life fed life through an enduring giving and taking, yielding and accepting.
Note that the order of the world is important for the divine plan to continue through eternity. Giving precedes taking, and yielding precedes accepting. The humility for such obedience is natural to this created world.
Microorganisms did not spring from dead matter, but from the divine command. This humble beginning of living things by the creative act of the greatest of all Beings was for the purpose of instilling the rhythm of life into the very DNA of the least, as well as the greatest, of living organisms.
Those who cooperate are those who learn best how to survive, how to build on the entanglement of every piece of Creation. The prize goes to those who learn how to complement one another in order to make something greater than the individual alone.
Success is creating abundance rather than scarcity.
These new forms of life, too, must grow and become. Time plays its limited role again, preparing the stage for another new life. The note of the song remains constant, singing life into its maturity.
At last, the note rises yet again. The baser note that had given rise to mountains and laid valleys low, that had risen to a higher pitch to bring forth life, and had risen yet again for to birth higher forms of life, now rises to call forth a new creature.
Every note that has poured forth has been perfect in pitch. And impressed upon each note, riding upon its crest like the thinnest foam on the wave of the sea, are innumerable messages personalized for each recipient. This note has caressed every stone, infused every droplet, and filled every molecule of the skies with its own personal message.
As the note rises to this yet higher pitch, there is spoken a new order, a new arrangement of the existing elements. A new creation is interposed between all that has been made and the Creator who has made all.
God breathed new life into an old being. He took one of the psuche beings and breathed into it the mind of God.
As to the first man and woman of my world, as to my unborn son who lived only in God’s world, so an understanding of the nature of existence has been passed to me here. And it had been passed to me in Atlantis, and to every creature there, sentient or not, but we did not see its reality, would not hear its message, refused to feel its gentle caress. We who could devise an alternative world could choose a different message, and so we had done.
I had been truant in Atlantis, but now my education progressed. And this last lesson of this course was pneuma, the breath of life breathed by the Divine into mortal man. Imbedded in the breath of life was the commission to go forth as His proxy with dominion.
From the inanimate rocks and seas, zoe life had come from the divine spark. Again Divinity had elevated this form of creation into psuche life, the animal with primitive thought and instinct. And now He had endowed the being that came to be known as human with the pneuma life of reason and choice.
Creation was complete once again….
The area surrounding the new man and the new woman was a lush reserve in the wild nature of the larger earth. The note that had established the plants and animals in their existence permeated all life here.
This last tone that had established the man and then the woman, with its imprinted message for the rest of nature, as well, had gone no farther than a small perimeter. A beautiful Garden flourished inside the larger realm of the outside world developing on its own.
Whether this limitation had been by design or that the message had been blocked beyond certain limits was unclear to me.
For the briefest instant, uncertainty entered my thoughts.
As my eyes wandered beyond the Garden’s border, a new note competed in my mind for primacy. There was no evidence of this new note - chaotic and discordant, its edges ragged and sharp - within the Garden. This came from beyond the Garden’s perimeter.
I focused on the Garden and the competing note vanished, bringing the peace and clarity that had existed before.
Although I had refused to put the challenging note in my mind, I recognized the siren call that had dominated Atlantis, as if the whole of its existence had been so inundated with this tone that people were not even aware of its existence. It was simply the background noise of life. As a result, no one heard the divine note that had been overridden, eclipsed in the darkness of chaos.
All life in this Garden experienced the note of peace and clarity. Beyond the Garden’s borders, the outer world heard only the cacophony of the mixed notes, the heavenly (perhaps) and the discordant (continually).
Allegiances in heaven had been made or broken, alliances had formed, and a clear demarcation lay between two forces. Rebellion lay outside the border, and the obedience of relationship with the Creator lay within.
Implicit in the breath breathed into the man, and repeated by him to the woman, was the command to serve and to protect, and to go forth and enlarge the borders of the Garden.
That instant of uncertainty when I had looked outside the Garden was such a small event compared to all that had played out before me that I took no thought of it. God was in heaven, and heaven was on earth, and He was one with His new Creation - mankind. God was in His place and all was well.
Next chapter